Module @thenorthsolution/djs-pagination


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A simple button and reaction pagination library for Discord.js v14


npm i @thenorthsolution/djs-pagination discord.js


  • Object Oriented
  • Easy to use
  • Uses Message data as pages instead of embeds
    • Supports dynamic pages
    • Allows pages with just message content
    • Supports multiple embeds in one page
    • Custom page action rows
  • Supports interaction followUps
  • Highly customizable
  • Typescript support

Getting Started

You can use this in TypeScript, ESM, or CommonJS but in these examples we're gonna use CommonJS.

Button Pagination

import { ButtonPaginationBuilder } from '@thenorthsolution/djs-pagination';
import { ButtonBuilder, Client, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';

const bot = new Client({
intents: ['Guilds', 'MessageContent']

bot.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
if (interaction.isChatInputCommand() && interaction.commandName == 'pagination') {
// Create pagination
const pagination = new ButtonPaginationBuilder()
// Add at least one page
new EmbedBuilder().setDescription('Page 1'), // Single embed page
{ content: 'Page 2', embeds: [{ title: 'Page 2' }] }, // Message data embed
'Page 3', // String page
() => new EmbedBuilder().setDescription('Page 4\n' + new Date().toString()) // Dynamic page
// All buttons are optional
.addButton(new ButtonBuilder().setLabel('First').setCustomId('first'), 'FirstPage')
.addButton(new ButtonBuilder().setLabel('Previous').setCustomId('prev'), 'PreviousPage')
.addButton(new ButtonBuilder().setLabel('Stop').setCustomId('stop'), 'Stop')
.addButton(new ButtonBuilder().setLabel('Next').setCustomId('next'), 'NextPage')
.addButton(new ButtonBuilder().setLabel('Last').setCustomId('last'), 'LastPage');

// Listens to pagination errors
pagination.on('error', console.log);

// Sends the pagination message
await pagination.send({ command: interaction, sendAs: 'ReplyMessage' });


Reaction Pagination

⚠️ You cannot use reaction pagination with ephemeral messages

import { ReactionPaginationBuilder } from '@thenorthsolution/djs-pagination';
import { Client, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';

const bot = new Client({
intents: ['Guilds', 'MessageContent', 'GuildMessageReactions']

bot.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
if (interaction.isChatInputCommand() && interaction.commandName == 'pagination') {
// Create pagination
const pagination = new ReactionPaginationBuilder()
// Add at least one page
new EmbedBuilder().setDescription('Page 1'), // Single embed page
{ content: 'Page 2', embeds: [{ title: 'Page 2' }] }, // Message data embed
'Page 3', // String page
() => new EmbedBuilder().setDescription('Page 4\n' + new Date().toString()) // Dynamic page
// All reaction controllers are optional
.addReaction('⏪', 'FirstPage');
.addReaction('⬅', 'PreviousPage');
.addReaction('🛑', 'Stop');
.addReaction('➡️', 'NextPage');
.addReaction('⏩', 'LastPage');

// Listens to pagination errors
pagination.on('error', console.log);

// Sends the pagination message
await pagination.send({ command: interaction, sendAs: 'ReplyMessage' });






Type Aliases
